Bright Line Eating Meal Plan: A Guide For Eating The Bright Line Way (2024)

When I added this Bright Line Eating Meal Plan to my blog back in December of 2016, I had no idea that it would be downloaded more than 10,000 times. Wow!

BLE Meal Plan

With so much enthusiasm for my friend, Dr. Susan’s Bright Line Eating Program, I decided to update this post to provide you with even more for 2022!

You’ll enjoy the new section, “What’s Changed in BLE.” And updates to “How to Follow,” and “Is Bright Line Eating Right for Me,” sections. I also know that you are here for the Bright Line Eating meal plan and recipes. So here they are…

Download the Meal Plan Here

Here is the meal plan. To get immediate access to the recipes and grocery list, put your name and email in the box below. (If you do not see the form, go here)





Day 1

Blueberry Oatmeal

Easy Black Beans Cooked Spinach Orange

Salad with Chicken Stewed Tomatoes

Day 2

Omelet with Potatoes Strawberries (6oz.)

Easy Refried Beans
Roasted Veggies with Pine Nuts

Easy Baked Salmon
Garlic Green Beans
Southern Bell Salad

Day 3

Breakfast Sliders
Mixed Berries(6oz.)

No Flour Pancakes
1 Scrambled Egg
Steamed Sugar Snap Peas

Easy Baked Chicken
Cooked Peppers & Onions
Rainbow Crisp Salad

Day 4

Shredded Wheat
with Banana Slices

Easy Stir Fry
Mixed Berries(6oz.)

Salad with Tuna Dressing
Zucchini and Tomato Mix

Day 5

Black Bean & Egg Breakfast Mash
Sweet Potato Fries
Blackberries (6oz.)

Hummus with Herbs and Veggies Sticks

Taco Salad with Avocado
Roasted Beets

Note that this meal plan follows the bright lines, but the only way to get the full Bright Line Eating Food Plan is to join one of the Boot Camps. (I share reviews of the Bright Line Eating Boot Camps Here.)

What’s Changed in Bright Line Eating?

Bright Line Eating (BLE) started with short courses that took people through the Boot Camp and Bright Lifers program. These programs were highly effective. However, there were drawbacks, namely high-cost (a $1,000 investment) and minimal emphasis on maintaining the results gained during the courses.

In late 2021, BLE changed to a membership model. This change brought with it a huge benefit for members, namely low-cost (access to Boot Camp and Bright Lifers for just $20/month). That affordability made it easy for members to continue getting the support they needed to reach their goal and stay there.

Bright Line Eating Definition

Bright Line Eating is a weight loss program that takes into consideration the role the brain plays in blocking success. By utilizing a Susceptibility Scale, those looking to lose weight can rate how susceptible they are to the addictive properties of refined foods and get a roadmap to overcome their addiction.

Why It’s Needed

Best Selling Author, Ocean Robbins mentioned Dr. Susan in an article published in the Huffington Post stating that…

“In evolutionary terms, Dr. Thompson explained to me, being highly susceptible was a good thing. But today we’re surrounded by cues to eat foods that have been refined to affect our brains exactly the same way as drugs do.”

He goes on to point out the importance of programs like Bright Line Eating by stating that society has a tendency to put the blame on the overweight individual for lacking willpower.

But, that blame overlooks the addictive nature of refined foods and the level of susceptibility that varies from one individual to the next.

Bright Line Eating Basics

Susan Pierce Thompson is very free with sharing information about the basics of the Bright Line Eating Program.

The most important aspect of becoming a “Bright Lifer” is following the four Bright Lines:

  • Sugar (omitted from your diet)
  • Flour (omitted from your diet)
  • Meals (no snacking between meals)
  • Quantities (weigh and measure all foods)

Some people say there is a fifth Bright Line, which is planning what you’ll eat the next day before you go to bed.

Bright Lines are like lines in the sand that are not to be crossed. Some of the bright lines are focused on helping you lose weight, like the meals and quantities, while others are in place because of food addiction.

As I share in my post, The Ultimate Guide to Bright Line Eating, Dr. Susan explains how sugar and flour hijack the pleasure center of your brain and get you hooked.

Some people are not very susceptible to the addictive quality of sugar and flour, but that is not the case for everyone. For some, even a touch of sugar or flour – a Hershey’s Kiss or a slice of freshly baked bread – is enough to send them into a tailspin that ends in an out-of-control binge.

5-Day Meal Plan with Grocery List and Recipes

The meal plan provided in this post meets the Bright Lines of no sugar, no flour, no snacking, and measure everything, but measurements could vary slightly from the BLE measurements.

I also include recipes in my meal plans, whereas Bright Line Eating would have you stick to more basic meals, so it’s easier to weigh quantities after cooking. For these reasons, the meal plan should only be used as an introductory guide.

The meal plan is designed for men and women with no pre-existing medical conditions. As with any change in your diet, you should consult your doctor before starting.

How to Follow The BLE Meal Plan

One of the first things you’ll notice when you download the Bright Line Eating Meal Plan is that it relies on simple meals.

Mixed recipes like casseroles and soups or complex recipes with long lists of ingredients make it hard to weigh and measure portions.

For instance, in the BLE MealPlan, you’ll notice that the Day One Dinner is Salad with Chicken and a serving of Stewed Tomatoes.

When we look at these recipes, we see that they contain only a few ingredients. Simple recipes equal simple measuring:

Bright Line Eating Recipe Preview

There are 25 recipes included in the downloadable meal plan. Each recipe contains the calories and fiber count.

Below, I provide the Day One Dinner recipes to serve as an example of the simple meals you’ll be eating on the Bright Line Eating Program.

Salad with Chicken

Bright Line Eating Meal Plan: A Guide For Eating The Bright Line Way (1)

Salad with Chicken Ingredients:

  • 3 oz. Romaine lettuce
  • 2 oz. Carrots shredded
  • 3 oz. Celery diced
  • 4 oz. Chicken Breast cut in strips
  • 0.5 oz. Walnuts
  • 2 tablespoons Vinaigrette*


  1. Combine romaine lettuce, carrots, and celery.
  2. Top with chicken strips, walnuts, and vinaigrette.

*The meal plan includes a vinaigrette salad dressing recommendation

Stewed Tomatoes

Bright Line Eating Meal Plan: A Guide For Eating The Bright Line Way (2)

Stewed Tomatoes Ingredients:

  • 5 medium Tomatoes
  • 1 teaspoon salt


  1. *Blanch tomatoes to peel them with ease.
  2. Once peels are removed, quarter the tomatoes and place them in a clean saucepan with the salt.
  3. Simmer over low heat for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally.

*To blanch the tomatoes, start by boiling a pot of water. Remove the tomato stems and cut a small slit in the base of each tomato with a knife. Gently drop the tomatoes into the boiling water and allow them to sit for one minute. Immediately transfer the tomatoes to a pot of ice water and the skins should easily pull away from the tomatoes

Bright Line Eating Beginnings

Susan is very open about the fact that she was once part of a 12-step food addiction program. And, we see the influence of Food Addicts Anonymous Diet Plan on her work. We also see that Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous shares her eating philosophy on their website.

“The Definition of Abstinence: Weighed and measured meals with nothing in between, no flour, no sugar, and the avoidance of any individual binge foods.” – Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous

From my research into diet plans, I’ve found that the Bright Line Eating food plan appears to be strikingly similar, to the food plan shared by the best-selling author, Dr. Sara Gottfried in her book, The Hormone Cure.

Many of the women I coach are at or near menopause and have trouble losing weight due to hormonal imbalances. Therefore, the meal plan I am providing is a 5-day food guide based on research into Food Addicts Anonymous, Dr. Gottfried’s food plan, and Susan Peirce Thompson’s videos.

I am not a Bright Lifer or even a Bright Line Eating insider, but I am a weight loss coach, with some striking similarities to the Bright Line Eating founder, Susan Peirce Thompson.

  • Susan and I are both college instructors (I taught health and nutrition courses.)
  • We both battled terrible sugar addictions
  • We both lost a lot of weight and kept the weight off for decades
  • We both became weight loss consultants

How we help others achieve weight loss success also has similarities. Like Susan, I promote a whole-food style of eating that omits sugar.

Where our plans differ isin the approach to weight loss. My Freedom weight loss program is nutrition-based, whereas Bright Line Eating is more support-based.

Is Bright Line Eating Right for You?

A common question that people have when they first learn about the program, is will Bright Line Eating work for me?

From the many success stories that we see from Bright Lifers who post their results on social media, we see that those who find BLE to be a good fit come from many different walks of life, so there is no right or wrong member.

Having said that, I provide a brief list of those who may benefit from Dr. Susan’s program and support.

1. Food addicts – If you find that you continuously think about food throughout the day, the program gives you a structured plan that can free your mind.

2. Sugar addicts – If sugar is a substance that you have not been able to break away from, the support offered by other members, as well as the staff will help.

3. Those looking for support – The high level of support is unmatched. If you need a buddy or simply a place to go for support, you’ll find it through the BLE program.

4. Those with special dietary needs – Bright Lifers follow an eating plan that can be modified regardless of your eating preferences, so if you avoid dairy or eggs, or if you are a vegetarian or vegan, you can follow the Bright Line Diet.

I will add that members come to BLE with different weight loss goals. Whether you have ten pounds (5kg) to lose or 200 pounds (90kg), you’ll find members with similar goals and be offered the support you need to reach your ideal weight.

BLE Meal Plan and Recipes

I’ll state again, that the only way to get the Bright Line Eating Food Plan is to join a Boot Camp, so this meal plan is not an official plan from the organization. You will receive a link to learn more about the Boot Camp when you download the meal plan.

The meal plan has the Bright Lines of no sugar, no flour, no snacking, and measure everything built-in, but measurements could vary slightly from the BLE recommendations. The meal plan should only be used as a guide that gives you a sense of what you’ll be eating on the BLE diet.

Here again, is the meal plan. To get immediate access to the recipes and grocery list, put your name and email in the box below. (If you do not see the form, go here)

About the Author

Dr. Becky Gillaspy, DC graduated Summa Cum Laude with research honors from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1991.

Bright Line Eating Meal Plan: A Guide For Eating The Bright Line Way (2024)


What is the Bright Line Eating food list? ›

What Can I Eat on the Bright Line Eating Plan?
  • Breakfast: A protein, a grain, and a fruit. Examples include falafel with yogurt sauce or oatmeal with milk and fruit.
  • Lunch: A protein, vegetables, fruit and fat. ...
  • Dinner: A protein, vegetables, salad and fat.

What are the 4 rules of Bright Line Eating? ›

The four Bright Lines are: eliminate sugar, eliminate flour, set up a schedule for your meals, and weigh your food. For example, a smoker who wants to get healthy isn't just trying to moderate her nicotine consumption by smoking less. Nicotine is addictive.

Is popcorn allowed on Bright Line Eating? ›

Jill Worrall Edwards That's right popcorn is not a BLE-friendly food. Like potato chips, popcorn falls into a category of, “It's not sugar or flour, but it's sugar and flour's first cousin, and will probably be mean to us like sugar and flour would.”

How much weight do you lose on Bright Line Eating? ›

*People following the Bright Line Eating program lose an average of 1-2 pounds per week. Featured participants expended more time and effort than required and were asked to share their experiences to help promote the program because of the extraordinary results they achieved.

Is rice allowed on Bright Line Eating? ›

Breakfast proteins are gentle things like yogurt, eggs, soy milk, almond milk, nuts, ground flax seeds, scrambled tofu, beans, and cottage cheese. Grains are things like oatmeal, cream of wheat, oat bran, rice, quinoa, sweet potato, or grits. Really any whole grain will work, so long as there's no sugar or flour in it.

How many calories a day is Bright Line Eating? ›

The type and amount of food at each of your three meals is strictly dictated and adds up to about 1200 calories a day—a bit more if you are a man but otherwise, it's one size fits all.

Is almond flour allowed on Bright Line Eating? ›

ALL SUGARS and ALL FLOURS. No Splenda, stevia, agave nectar, or honey. No corn flour, rice flour, or almond flour. They're total no goes on Bright Line Eating.

Are sweet potatoes allowed on Bright Line Eating? ›

These cinnamon roasted sweet potatoes are sweet, flavorful, take only about 20 minutes to cook, and are a perfect breakfast food on the Bright Line Eating™ food plan. You can actually roast sweet potatoes without oodles of oil, and they still come out crispy, browned, sweet and flavorful. Did you know?

Can you exercise on Bright Line Eating? ›

And so yes, it is true that our primary advice to people who aren't already exercising is to not start exercising when they start doing Bright Line Eating. That doesn't mean we're exercise haters. It does mean that perhaps unknowingly, we've kind of realized that it's not going to move the needle.

What is the bright line answer? ›

What does "bright-line rule" mean? A bright-line rule is a clearly defined rule that leaves no room for interpretation. You can think of it as someone drawing a line in the sand. It's clear when you cross that line.

What is the bright line method? ›

A bright-line rule (or bright-line test) is a clearly defined rule or standard, composed of objective factors, which leaves little or no room for varying interpretation.

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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

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Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.