Road Map
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Overview: Introduction:
- Estimated achievement difficulty: 3/10 [Achievement Difficulty Rating]
- Offline:50 [1000]
- Online: 0
- Approximate amount of time to 1000:25-35 Hours [Estimated Time to 100%]
- Minimum number of playthroughs needed:1
- Missable achievements:1 [Masquerader (10G)]
- Does difficulty affect achievements:No
- Unobtainable/glitched achievements: None
After a 3-year hiatus, Assassin’s Creed is back, but I’m not sure after the depth and insanity that is Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, many expected Assassin’s Creed Mirage to go where it went. Yes, folks, Assassin’s Creed Mirage has stripped back the franchise from an action-RPG, to a straight up action title, more akin to the likes of the original Assassin’s Creed and the Ezio trilogy than anything else. Whether that’s good or bad will likely depend on the person and their affinity to the Assassin’s Creed action-RPGs - Assassin’s Creed Odyssey is the best Assassin’s Creed, by the way.
Still, regardless of this huge shift, Assassin’s Creed Mirage is a thoroughly enjoyable game. Sure, it’s a little more basic now, and it’s now stealth over action, but there’s a lot to like about. A lot!
One of the things to like about the new Assassin’s Creed is that, for a very long time, the achievement list is actually manageable. It’s not going to take hundreds of hours to finish this one. Oh no. Assassin’s Creed Mirage is a version of the franchise that is more akin to Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood and the games of that ilk, than it is to Assassin’s Creed Valhalla and Odyssey. Not just in terms of mechanics, but in terms of time investment and scope too.
As far as things stand, Assassin’s Creed Mirage is a pretty easy achievement list in terms of difficulty. However, there’s a lot of things to do, as the list is incredibly varied and has you pretty much doing everything under the sun in Ubisoft Bordeaux’s first outing since the pretty damn decent Valhalla DLC, Wrath of the Druids.
So, yeah: it’s an easy list, which isn’t incredibly time consuming, but will take a bit of application.
Step 1 - Play the Game:
Assassin’s Creed Mirage’s achievement list is set up as such, that aside from the one achievement, you can just enjoy the achievement list at your own pace.
Before we break down the story achievements, let’s first stress the importance of the missable achievement.
IMPORTANT - The missable achievement, Masquerader (10G), is a two-part achievement, in that you’ll need to obtain two costumes during the game’s story missions. The two mission names to look out for are:
- "The Great Symposium" - The main quest where you’re going after Al-Rabisu.
- "The Servant and the Impostor" - The main quest when you’re trying to narrow down who the Head of the Order is in the late game (the disguise is found at the Harem, by the way).
These two missions are two ends of the campaign, so make sure you don’t miss them. Check out the Masquerader (10G)achievement guide description for more specific information on what you need to do when you get there.
Now, how you approach the game is up to you (other than the aforementioned missable achievement). You can fly through the main story and do the side content at the end. Or you can do it as you go. Heck, you can even do all the side content before you do the main story. For the purposes of this guide, though, we’ll treat it as the former: story and then side content.
I would recommend synchronizing all the Viewpoints as soon as possible though (and unlocking Fearless (30G)), just to make traversal a little bit easier - you can then fast-travel all over Baghdad.
Anyway! That aside, playing through the story you’ll unlock the following achievements (all of which are unmissable and story-related):
Story related achievements:
The Master Thief of Anbar (10G)- Complete the Prologue
La shay'a waqi'un mutlaq (30G)- Become an Initiate of the Hidden Ones
The Blood of a Ghoul (30G)- Eliminate Al-Ghul
The Blood of a Demon (20G)- Eliminate Al-Rabisu
The Blood of an Enchantress (20G)- Eliminate Al-Pairika
The Blood of a Spymaster (20G)- Eliminate Al-Mardikhwar
The Head of the Snake (30G)- Eliminate the Head of the Order
Bal kullun mumkin (50G)- Discover Basim's past
Serving the Light (10G) - Reach the maximum Hidden One Rank
And when the credits have rolled, you’ll be spat back out into the open-world. Now it’s time to wrap up everything else!
Step 2 - Mop Up:
How you tackle the below is entirely up to you. I’d advise taking it a region at a time, whilst also keeping an eye on both the combat and faction achievements, and working towards them where possible i.e. grab all the collectibles, but if you see a Munadi, use them; and if you see some musicians, use them too.
We’ve broken them all down into handy categories for you too. Now, get out there and unlock them all!
Open-world & collectible achievements:
Poster Boy (10G)- At maximum notoriety, become anonymous by tearing down wanted posters.
Crossing Paths (10G)- Complete a Tale from Baghdad
Treasure Seeker (10G)- Open a Token Chest
Fearless (30G)- Synchronize all Viewpoints.
Curio Collector (30G)- Pickpocket all 18 artifacts and bring them to Dervis.
The Hands of a Thief (30G)- Pickpocket 50 people
Explorer (30G)- Fully explore all territories
Defender of the People (30G)- Complete 10 faction contracts
Scholar (20G)- Bring all 7 lost books to Al-Jahiz
Riddle Me This (10G)- Obtain a treasure by solving an enigma
Hoarder (20G)- Save up 2007 dirhams
Dawn and Dusk (10G)- Use benches to pass time 5 times
Gifted Escapist (30G)- Collapse 20 scaffolding structures
Tool achievements:
Tools of the Trade (30G)- Fully upgrade all tools
Headhunter (20G)- Headshot 20 guards with throwing knives
Sleep Tight (10G)- Put 10 guards to sleep with blowdarts
Eagle's Eye (30G)- Kill 75 guards with throwing knives
Ambush (10G)- Have 10 guards trigger traps
Up in Smoke (20G)- Affect 20 guards with smoke bombs
Attention Seeker (10G)- Distract 10 guards with noisemakers
You Snooze, You Lose (10G)- Pickpocket a guard affected by a blowdart
Faction achievements:
Patron of the Arts (20G)- Pay musicians 5 times
Patron of Sell-Swords (20G)- Pay mercenaries 5 times
Patron of Industry (20G)- Pay merchant groups 5 times
Spread the News (20G)- Use the services of a Munadi 3 times
Combat achievements:
Surprise! (10G)- Assassinate 10 guards from hiding spots.
A True Hidden One (20G)- Kill 10 enemies in a row without triggering open conflict
Street Cleaner (10G)- Hide 5 bodies in bales of hay
Bird of Prey (10G)- Tag 100 guards with Enkidu
Potion Collector (10G)- Obtain a total of 10 elixirs
The Shadow and the Flame (20G)- Defeat a Shakiriyya in combat
Unstoppable (30G)- Kill 5 guards with one use of Assassin’s Focus
Notorious (30G)- Stay at maximum notoriety for 10 minutes
Blade in the Crowd (10G)- Assassinate 10 guards while blending with the crowd
Eagle's Will (30G)- Survive 10 minutes in open conflict
Silencer (20G)- Destroy a Horn Bearer's horn with a throwing knife
RPG achievements:
Fashion Statement (10G)- Apply a dye to an outfit.
Cutting Edge (20G)- Fully upgrade a weapon.
Thick Skin (20G)- Fully upgrade an outfit
Self-Improvement (30G)- Unlock all skills
As we said previously, Assassin’s Creed Mirage is an easy enough list, with plenty of variety, but if you stick with our guide and our assistance, you’ll have unlocked all 1000 in no time whatsoever… well, not “no time,” but about 25-35 hours, depending on how efficient you are.
[XBA would like to thank Webb for this Roadmap]
Show completed achievements
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There are 50 achievements with a total of 1000 points
- Serving the Light
Reach the maximum Hidden One Rank
In Assassin’s Creed Mirage, you’re assigned a “Hidden One Rank.” This is a rank that basically infers your ability as an assassin. As you take out a main target of the Order, you’ll go up a rank. Kill the four Order minion targets and you’ll hit the top rank. It’s as simple as that.
- Self-Improvement
Unlock all skills
In the game there are a grand total of 25 skills. These skills range from unlocking more tool slots and improving the effectiveness of Enkidu, to unlocking more devastating moves for Basim, like the Chain Assassination, and more Assassin’s Focus blocks, which are key to becoming all powerful. In order to fully unlock all of Basim’s skills, you’re going to need to get 61 skill points.
While most games tend to have a visible XP bar which fills, with you getting a skill point when you level up, this game’s isn’t quite as transparent. The key to getting more skill points, then, is to not just soldier on with the main story quests, but pay particular attention to some of the Hidden Ones Bureau ‘Contracts’ too.
These Contracts unlock very early on in the game, when you finally make your way from Anbar to Baghdad itself, and the best part is that some of them actually give you skill points. And these skill points very early on can not only help you work towards this achievement, they also can make you super overpowered and prepared for the tasks ahead… and for a game that relies on stealth, if that isn’t your forte, that’s going to be super important!
So, when it comes to the Contracts, available at all Hidden One Bureaus when you’ve unlocked them, keep an eye out for the following:
- The Bronze Mirror Heist - Rewards 2 Skill Points
- The Kidnapped Scholar- Rewards 2 Skill Points
- The State Official - Rewards 2 Skill Points
- The Perfume Trader - Rewards 2 Skill Points
- The Informant- Rewards 2 Skill Points
- The Fake Message- Rewards 2 Skill Points
Also, bear in mind that as you complete Contracts, more will pop up - The Bronze Mirror Heist though, will be in your first batch. So, get out there and help the people of Baghdad and amass those skill points and fully unlock your potential.
- Cutting Edge
Fully upgrade a weapon
If you visit Blacksmiths around Baghdad (as indicated on the map by two sword icons crossing each other) you’ll be able to upgrade your weapons. Each weapon has three levels: the standard tier 1, tier 2 and tier 3.
A few things about weapons and weapon upgrading first. Pretty much all the swords are the same stats wise in the game. The only difference is some are geared more for attack, and some are geared more for defense. They basically fall into three categories: good offensive weapon, all-rounder and good defensive weapon. What makes the real difference with swords and daggers is the perks that they come with though. So, if you find a perk you like on a sword or dagger early on, then just upgrade it and stick with it.
To upgrade a sword or dagger to the max level you’ll need a few things:
- For level 2: You’ll need the specific schematic; 60 Steel Ingots; and 30 Leather
- For level 3: You’ll need another specific schematic; 120 Steel Ingots; and 60 Leather
Steel Ingots and Leather are two of the three resources in the game, and you’ll likely have hundreds and hundreds if you’re doing Contracts and looting chests and what not. However, the specific schematics to upgrade the weapons are found in very specific places - depending on what weapon you want to upgrade.
Firstly, check out our Assassin’s Creed Mirage all weapons and where to find them guide, to choose which to invest in. And then, check out our Assassin’s Creed Mirage all weapon and outfit upgrade schematics locations guide for more assistance with whichever weapon you want to upgrade.
Get any weapon, whether it’s a sword or a dagger, up to level 3 and you’ll unlock this achievement.
- Thick Skin
Fully upgrade an outfit
Unlike the last three iterations of main Assassin’s Creed games, this game opts for a very different approach when it comes to armor. In fact, the armor you wear isn’t even called armor, they’re called “Outfits.” And on top of that, they offer no damage reduction stats at all. They simply offer perks. That’s it.
Like the weapons - as we discussed in Cutting Edge (20G)- in order to upgrade an outfit and improve the efficiency of the perks, you’re going to need a few things:
- For level 2: You’ll need the specific schematic; 30 Steel Ingots; and 60 Leather
- For level 3: You’ll need another specific schematic; 60 Steel Ingots; and 120 Leather
Steel Ingot and Leather are plentiful, and it won’t be long until you have nearly four figures worth of each on your persons. However, the schematics are not. For each outfit, there literally exists two “outfit upgrade schematics.”
Once you have them though, you’ll need to visit a Tailor - as indicated by the icon of the needle and thread - and when there, choose which outfit to upgrade, and upgrade it to tier 3.
If you need further assistance, check out our Assassin’s Creed Mirage all outfits and where to find them guide, to choose which armor you want to go after. And then, check out our Assassin’s Creed Mirage all weapon and outfit upgrade schematics locations guide for more assistance with whichever outfit you want to upgrade.
So, choose your outfit, grab the schematics, upgrade it to level 3, and this achievement is all yours.
- Fashion Statement
Apply dye to an outfit
In the game, you can get your hands on not just robes, AKA Outfits, but you can also find dyes too, and apply them to said outfits. Dyes can be found and received all throughout the game, whether it’s in the open-world and at Dervis’ shop, or you’ll get dyes as you rise the Hidden One Ranks and sometimes if you help the people of Baghdad.
Simply get one of these, and apply it to your outfit to unlock this achievement.
A couple of notes before we push on. Firstly, dyes don’t work across all outfits across the board, they are specific to specific outfits. And secondly, you’ll get a dye if you follow our guide for Riddle Me This (10G), and on top of that, you’ll need to unlock all the outfits in the game anyway, for Explorer (30G).
In other words, you should get this fairly naturally, just don’t forget to apply them when you unlock them (you can do this in the ‘Inventory’ tab of your pause screen, and then going to the ‘Outfit Dye’ section and selecting one).
- Masquerader
Obtain both disguises
In a couple of main missions, there will be Costumes that you can acquire that double up as disguises. Now, we're not sure you can return to the areas after the fact, so we're marking this as missable.
The two missable disguise and what missions - and where to find them are:
- The "White Patient Robe" - This can be found in the second main assassination mission in Abbasiyah, where you have to take down Al-Rabisu. The mission is called, "The Great Symposium." After gaining access to the dungeons beneath the The House of Wisdom, you'll be able to head into a cell on the right-hand side, where there's a disguise you can steal off a former patient. This will give you access to Al-Rabisu without being detected - although once you have the disguise, you can approach him however you want, whether that’s stealthily or violently
- The "Eunuch Tunic" - This can be found during "The Servant and the Impostor" main quest, when trying to investigate Qabiha at the Harem in the Round City. Using Enkidu, you can mark one of the new batch of Eunuchs coming to the Harem in the area, and he’ll appear with an orange mask icon over his head. Simply follow him to a quiet place, knock him out, hide his body, then take his clothes. Voila! You’re now disguised as a Eunuch. Um… great?
Once you’ve unlocked both disguises, this achievement will unlock.
- Treasure Seeker
Open a token chest
At the core of the game is what Ubisoft calls “Khidmah Tokens.” There are 3 factions in the game, which each have their own type of tokens: Merchant Tokens, Scholar Tokens and Power Tokens. You can earn these by doing Hidden One Contracts or pickpocketing them from people around Baghdad and the surrounding areas.
You can use these tokens to pay for distractions:
- Merchant tokens can be used to blend in with merchants or get shop discounts
- Scholar tokens can be used to get musicians to distract guards or buy maps from the Cartographer
- Power tokens can be used to pay mercenaries to attack nearby guards, or with a Munadi to lower your notoriety
They can also be used to unlock secret chests, known as Token Chests. For this achievement, you’ll need to unlock one of these chests. Now, they don’t seem to be too prevalent, and it took us 15-hours before we found our first one.
In terms of where to find that one, head to the top of the Palace of the Green Dome, the large building at the centre of not just the Round City, but Baghdad itself. If you climb to the top to activate the Viewpoint, you’ll notice a Lost Book nearby.
From the lower roof, with the four smaller domes, above the Lost Book icon, there is a staircase down. Follow it down and go through the cloth covering the doorway. Go down the first set of stairs and then take a left on the landing area of sorts. There is a Token Chest there.
There’s also one midway up the southernmost Viewpoint in the Round City, in the Residential area. Unlock either of them and this achievement will unlock.
- Potion Collector
Obtain a total of 10 elixirs
Elixirs are your health potions. They work a lot like Estus Flasks from Dark Souls, in that you can only carry a certain amount at a time, and you have to top them up when you run out.
Now, this achievement just means to fill your stash with 10 elixirs. Not at once. Cumulatively. So no, you don’t have to be able to carry 10 at once or anything like that. You’ll no doubt get this one naturally, but if by some miracle you don’t, at the Hidden Ones Bureau in Harbiyah, there’ll be a chest opposite the Ahmed (who is part of the Banu Musa, a family of identical brothers who make tools for you) which you can use to replenish your stocks. If you don’t have a full allotment of elixirs, it’ll get filled up for you. Keep returning here - or looking out for them in the open-world - and fill your stash with 10 elixirs, and this achievement is yours.
- Fearless
Synchronize all viewpoints
It wouldn’t be an Assassin’s Creed game without a ‘synchronize all Viewpoints’ achievement, would it? Mirage is no different. Viewpoints are, of course, the highest structures in the game, that you can climb and synchronize at the top, to unfog the vicinity of the map, and uncover some points of interest.
There are 20 Viewpoints to synchronize in all in Assassin’s Creed Mirage, and they are broken down in each district as follows:
- Wilderness - 7 Viewpoints
- Harbiyah - 4 Viewpoints
- Abbasiyah - 3 Viewpoints
- Karkh - 3 Viewpoints
- Round City - 4 Viewpoints
Climb all 20, get to the top, synchronize them, and this achievement is yours.
- Bird of Prey
Tag 100 guards using Enkidu
While this game may be more Brotherhood than Odyssey in terms of mechanics, it does take a few of the more RPG-centric mechanics from the more recent trilogy. One of those such mechanics is having a bird of prey as your trusty sidekick scout. In Mirage’s case, his name is Enkidu.
In order to get this achievement, simply bust out Enkidu () and then fly around and tag enemies you see - you do that by hovering the cursor over them for a split-second.
You can make this easier (or should I say quicker) by unlocking a few skills if needs be. In the Predator skill tree on the “Skills” tab of the pause menu, there are two abilities (Enkidu Acuity 1 and Enkidu Acuity 2 - both cost 2 Skill Points to unlock), which makes tagging so much quicker and easier.
Tag 100 enemies, then, and this one is all yours.
- Explorer
Fully explore all territories
This achievement in basically means one thing: you need to 100% every region. So, that’s get every collectible, which includes every Gear Chest, getting every Enigma (you don’t need to solve them), pickpocketing all Dervis’ Artifacts (which you need for Curio Collector (30G)), visiting every Historical Site, completing all the Tales of Baghdad, finding all Lost Books (which you need for Scholar (20G)) and collecting all Mysterious Shards.
Below is the breakdown of what you need from each region, however, small disclaimer, there is one Lost Book inside the Palace of the Green Dome, which is the setting for the final mission, which you won’t be able to get access to until later on in the game. So you don’t need to rush for these out the gate if you don’t want to.
Anyway, here’s the breakdowns for each of the five regions:
- 9 Gear Chests
- 1 Lost Book
- 3 Enigmas
- 3 Dervis’ Artifacts
- 13 Historical Sites
- 2 Mysterious Shards
- 2 Tales of Baghdad
Check out our Assassin’s Creed all Wilderness collectibles locations guide if you need more help.
- 6 Gear Chests
- 2 Lost Book
- 3 Enigmas
- 4 Dervis’ Artifacts
- 13 Historical Sites
- 2 Mysterious Shards
- 1 Tales of Baghdad
Check out our Assassin’s Creed all Harbiyah collectibles locations guide if you need more help.
- 6 Gear Chests
- 1 Lost Book
- 3 Enigmas
- 4 Dervis’ Artifacts
- 15 Historical Sites
- 2 Mysterious Shards
- 2 Tales of Baghdad
Check out our Assassin’s Creed all Abbasiyah collectibles locations guide if you need more help.
- 6 Gear Chests
- 1 Lost Book
- 1 Enigmas
- 4 Dervis’ Artifacts
- 11 Historical Sites
- 2 Mysterious Shards
- 1 Tales of Baghdad
Check out our Assassin’s Creed all Karkh collectibles locations guide if you need more help.
Round City
- 3 Gear Chests
- 1 Lost Book
- 2 Enigmas
- 3 Dervis’ Artifacts
- 14 Historical Sites
- 2 Mysterious Shards
Check out our Assassin’s Creed all Round City collectibles locations guide if you need more help.
- Defender of the People
Complete 10 faction contracts
Shortly after the game's prologue, you’ll head into main Baghdad, and to the Hidden Ones Bureau there. After doing a few main missions, you’ll unlock a mission called “Jailbreak,” where you have to free Ali ibn Muhammad from prison. Before you head on your way though, your attention will be brought to a noticeboard on the wall of the Harbiyah Hidden Ones Bureau. On it, will be a selection of side quests, of sorts, which have some pretty decent rewards.
These will populate your Investigation board under the banner, ‘Contracts.’ Complete 10 of these and this achievement is yours. As said in Self-Improvement (30G), it’s a good job to go after the ones with skill points attached as rewards as early as you can, anyway.
On top of that, the tokens are handy for employing the services for the locals, and the Components, Steel Ingots and Leather are needed to upgrade all the tools for Tools of the Trade (30G)too.
- Crossing Paths
Complete a Tale from Baghdad
‘Tales from Baghdad’ are effectively the game’s emergent side missions/mini-stories. These can be found dotted over Baghdad and its surrounding areas. You’ll know when you found one, as it’s one of the few gold icons on the map.
There are six in all, but you only need one for this achievement - however, you do need to complete all 6 for the Explorer (30G)achievement. The six Tales of Baghdad are as follows:
- Holy Mission - Nestorian Monastery - Northern Harbiyah
- Leap of the Faithful - Al-Mi’dhana Al-’Ateeqa - Northern Karkh
- Treasure Hunt - Ukbara - Northeast of Anbar - Northwest Wilderness
- Curse of the Si’la’ - Abandoned Village - West of Baghdad - Western wilderness
- A Life’s Work - Observatory - Northwest Abbasiyah - underneath the Viewpoint
- Blade in the Crowd, Tool in the Shed - South Abbasiyah - North of the most southern Viewpoint
The easiest one to find and explain is in the far north of Harbiyah, near the Nestorian Monastery. There will be a Monk there that needs your assistance. Help him find the grave (it’s the one at the far north of the cemetery) and then help him kill some guards, and this Tale of Baghdad will conclude, and this achievement will unlock.
- Scholar
Bring all 7 lost books to Al-Jahiz
Nestled in the far west of Baghdad, near the outer wall, in the district of Abbasiyah, you’ll find the House of Wisdom. Inside the House of Wisdom, in one of the libraries out towards the back, you’ll find a man called Al-Jahiz, a member of Baghdad’s aristocracy.
Al-Jahiz is a writer, but more importantly, he’s a collector, and is on the lookout for some seriously valuable - and lost - books. If you collect them for him, he’ll give you a reward. Not only that, but you will be rewarded with this achievement if you return all 7.
Aside from Harbiyah, there is one Lost Book per region, with them broken down as follows:
- Wilderness - 1 Lost Book
- Harbiyah - 2 Lost Books
- Abbasiyah - 1 Lost Book
- Karkh - 1 Lost Book
- Round City - 1 Lost Book
You’ll need to get all 7 to unlock the Explorer (30G)achievement, anyway, and as we said there, you won’t be able to unlock this until right near the end of the game, as one of the books is in the Palace of the Green Dome, which is locked to you until you need to go there for a main mission.
If you’re struggling with the location for any of the 7 lost books, check out our Assassin’s Creed Mirage all Lost Books locations guide.
- Riddle Me This
Obtain a treasure by solving an enigma
For the Explorer (30G)achievement, you will need to collect all the Enigmas - all 12 of them - to fully 100% and explore all territories. However, for this achievement, you will need to actually solve one of them. Whichever you solve is completely up to you.
Here’s how many Enigmas are, and in which regions you can find them:
- Wilderness - 3 Enigmas
- Harbiyah - 3 Enigmas
- Abbasiyah - 3 Enigmas
- Karkh - 1 Enigmas
- Round City - 2 Enigmas
In terms of which to go for and which is the easiest Enigma, may we suggest the Enigma just to the east of Baghdad (it counts as a Wilderness one).
Just outside the city walls, near the Gate of the Mills (south of the Bazaar) is an Enigma. It’s a map, and straightforward to decipher when compared to some of the others - the Enigma is called “Joy Beneath Weeping Palms.”
It shows the woods just to the south of where you pick it up, with an X marking the spot (in a small area of Palm Grove separate to the main plot of trees to the north. This small plot is split into 3 separate areas. Head there, head into the middle of the bottom sector, and use your Eagle vision to spot the treasure. You’re looking for a small pile of boulders next to a blanket and a basket.You should easily see the treasure, and as soon as you collect it, the ‘Riddle Me This’ achievement will unlock. You’ll also unlock the Green Hidden One ‘Outfit Dye’ for the Hidden One Outfit too, which you can use to unlock theFashion Statement (10G)achievement too. Two birds, one stone, and all that.
- Tools of the Trade
Fully upgrade all tools
Throughout your time in the game you’ll slowly get access to the assassin's tools of the trade to help you with infiltration, combat, and sometimes, even to get the hell out of dodge. There are five tools to collect in all.
You’ll unlock the first, the Throwing Knife, during the game’s prologue, while you’ll get access to your second tool after the “First Order” mission, where you head to the Caravanserai in the Wilderness to take out the first member of the Order, Al-Ghul. The mission where you unlock your second tool slot is called “Branching Out.”However, while you’ll get no choice with your first tool, when it comes to your second, you’ll have a choice of four:
- Blowdart
- Noisemaker
- Trap
- Smoke Bomb
Whichever you unlock is personal preference, because you’ll eventually have to unlock them all anyway. While the first one is a freebie, in order to carry more tools, you’ll need to unlock some skills in the ‘Skills’ tab of the pause menu, namely the three ranks of the Extra Tool Capacity Trickster skill. For each rank (which costs 2 Skill Points each), you’ll be able to visit one of the Musa brothers at a Hidden Ones Bureau and unlock a new tool.
So, once you’ve done that, and have five tools, it’s time to upgrade them all - again, at one of the Musa brothers at a Hidden Ones Bureau. Now, this is not a cheap thing to do, and it’s going to take a lot of Components, Steel Ingots and Leather (the game’s three crafting materials).
For instance, to fully upgrade the Traps, you’ll need the following:
- Tier 1 - 60 Components, 25 Steel Ingots, and 25 Leather
- Tier 2 - 90 Components, 40 Steel Ingots, and 40 Leather
- Tier 3 - 150 Components, 70 Steel Ingots, and 70 Leather
That comes to a total of: 300 Components, 135 Steel Ingots, and 135 Leather… and that’s just to upgrade one tool. The others are pretty much the same overall, with slight differences in how many of each resource.
So, in short, in order to fully upgrade all the tools to unlock this achievement, you’re going to need a lot of resources, so look out for chests, do Contracts, and try to nail the optional objectives too.
You’ll have resources coming out the wazoo after a few hours, so don’t worry too much - we’d upgraded all but one by the time we got to the third out of five targets, without too many distractions outside of the main story and contracts. I would buy all the Components you can from traders though - as they’re by far the hardest resource to find, and you need a lot of them in the grand scheme of things.
- Eagle's Eye
Kill 75 guards with throwing knives
Very early on in the prologue, in a quest called, “A New Beginning,” Basim will be learning the ways of the Hidden Ones, on his quest to become an assassin. Part of that is learning how to throw knives, and as a result, Basim will earn his first tool: the throwing knife.
Now, in order to unlock this, you basically need to select the throwing knife with , and then aim the throwing knife with , and then throw the knife into someone’s skull with . I mean, it doesn’t have to be the skull, but you do need 20 knife headshots to unlock the Headhunter (20G)achievement, so you may as well go for both at once.
Once you’ve killed 75 guards, this achievement will unlock. If you’re looking to make things easier and quicker, because you don’t really use knives a lot, there are three key skills to make this a walk in the park:
- Chain Assassination - The Chain assassination Skill is the third skill you can unlock in the Phantom skill tree, and costs 3 Skill Points to unlock. The reason this is great is because you can kill an enemy with an assassination, and then - provided you have knives on you - throw a knife at a nearby guard for an insta throwing knife kill
- Knife Recovery - While the Knife Recovery skill from the Trickster tree won’t help up your kill count with the knives, it will mean you won’t need to refill your knives as often, which is just as good. This one also costs 3 Skill Points and is the third skill you can unlock in this tree
- Emergency Aim - And finally, the Emergency Aim skill, which allows you to hit to snap to a guard who’s about to detect you, allowing you to throw a knife at him for an insta kill. This one is just as valuable as the Chain Assassination skill, and also costs 3 Skill Points, but this time is the 4th skill you can unlock in the Predator skill tree
Get all three of those perks and you’ll unlock this in no time whatsoever.
- Headhunter
Headshot 20 guards with throwing knives
There are two ways to get this. There’s the hard way, which is aiming a knife from cover at someone’s head and throwing it, or you can do it the easy way. The easy way is investing in the skill “Chain Assassination” - it’s in the Phantom tree and costs 3 Skill Points.
Chain Assassination allows you to assassinate a guard, and then press again (if you have knives), to throw a knife into someone’s dome. For starters, this is probably the best skill in the game, and secondly, once you have it, you’ll get this achievement without even trying.
Once you’ve headshotted 20 guards with the throwing knives, this will unlock.
- Sleep Tight
Put 10 guards to sleep with blowdarts
One of the new additions to the game is the Blowdart tool. After taking down your first member of the Order, Al-Ghul, you’ll return to the Hidden Ones Bureau for a debrief of sorts. After the next steps have been decided, you’ll start a main quest called “Branching Out.” In it, you’ll be able to choose one of four new tools:
- Blowdart
- Noisemaker
- Trap
- Smoke Bomb
Now, don’t worry too much if you don’t grab the Blowdart tool here, as you can use skill points in the Trickster tree to unlock Extra Tool Capacity 1, Extra Tool Capacity 2 and Extra Tool Capacity 3 for 2 Skill Points each, meaning you can eventually unlock all the tools.
Whether you pick the Blowdart early or late though, to unlock this achievement, you simply need to put 10 guards to sleep. This doesn’t mean permanently, or killing them before they wake up, you just need to put 10 of them to sleep. That’s it. Our only bit of advice is that the Blowdarts themselves drop off quite quickly, so aim well above someone if you’re quite far away. You’ll know when it’s a hit or a miss, as the icon over the person will change to reflect that.
- Ambush
Have 10 guards trigger traps
During the “Branching Out” mission, you’ll be able to get one of 4 new tools (to add to your throwing knives):
- Blowdart
- Noisemaker
- Trap
- Smoke Bomb
If you choose the ‘Traps’ tool, you’ll be able to start working on this achievement pretty early on. It’s pretty straightforward: unlock the traps, throw the traps, trap 10 guards.
Now, there are a couple of ways to make this a touch easier - unless you’re literally just throwing traps at guards, which is a perfectly viable strategy:
- Throw a trap by your feet, or maybe a few, and then get the attention of a load of guards and drag them over. Bosh, the guards will trigger the trap
- Eagle Sense - The third skill you can unlock in the Predator skill tree allows you to see a guard’s path with Enkidu, your trusty feathered friend. Now you know where the guard is going to walk, why not throw a trap in its path
You only need to get 10, so you’ll breeze through this one, no doubt. And if you don’t decide on the trap out of the gate after the “Branching Out” mission, you can unlock more tools with skill points, by purchasing ‘Extra Tool Capacity’ (ranks 1-3) in the Trickster skill tree. You need to unlock them all and upgrade them to the max for Tools of the Trade (30G)anyway.
- Up in Smoke
Affect 20 guards with smoke bombs
During the “Branching Out” mission, you’ll be able to take your toolset from a solitary stack of throwing knives, and add a brand new tool to your arsenal. There are four tools to choose from:
- Blowdart
- Noisemaker
- Trap
- Smoke Bomb
If you’re looking for more of a defensive tool, then the smoke bomb is the perfect tool for you. And not only do you get a really easy escape tool to use when you screw up your stealth - like we all do every so often - you’ll also get this achievement when you’ve shrouded 20 guards with your smoke bombs too.
Probably the easiest of the tool achievements to get, as you can basically just run into a group of guards and use it. It’s as simple as that. They don’t even need to be in an encampment either, they can just be on the street… and the best thing is, when they come to, they’ll have no idea where you went.
One bit of advice: Take advantage of the ‘quick use,’ which allows you to use them super easily. The quick use shortcut for the smoke bombs is and . Doing that will drop a bomb at your feet. You can also throw them like you can all the other tools, your call.
Again, like the other tools, if you don’t choose this straight away, you can unlock more tools with skill points by purchasing ‘Extra Tool Capacity’ (ranks 1-3) in the Trickster skill tree after the fact. And again, you need to unlock them all and upgrade them all to the top tier for Tools of the Trade (30G) anyway.
- Attention Seeker
Distract 10 guards with noisemakers
Mirage has five different tools that the player can use to their advantage. The throwing knife is your first and main tool, and you’ll unlock that in the prologue. During “Branching Out” you’ll be actually able to add one of four new tools to your arsenal:
- Blowdart
- Noisemaker
- Trap
- Smoke Bomb
If you choose the noisemaker - which can be utilised as a distraction tool, or a tool to lure guards into your air assassination path - you can get cracking on this pretty sharpish.
Simply use the noisemaker on 10 guards and this achievement will be all yours. There’s really no strategy to this one: just find a guard, throw a noisemaker, get their attention, and then move on.
If you opted for another tool during the “Branching Out” mission, don’t worry, you’ll get another chance to unlock this and all the other tools as well. Although you will have to unlock them in a slightly different way, and that’s by purchasing the ‘Extra Tool Capacity’ skill (ranks 1-3) in the Trickster skill tree. You’ll need to unlock them all and fully upgrade them all anyway, especially if you want the Tools of the Trade (30G)achievement.
- The Hands of a Thief
Pickpocket 50 people
To pickpocket, you need to find a target (using Eagle Vision to spot pouches hanging from your would-be victim’s belt), then press near them when prompted. A blue diamond will then pop up on screen, and you’ll need to press again to stop an advancing line within the boundaries of the diamond at the right time. If successful, the diamond will turn gold, and you can slink away with your prize. If not, they’ll scream and shout and alert the guards.
Anyone you can pickpocket will be highlighted by a prompt without Eagle Vision, so if you pickpocket anybody you happen to bump into, you’ll easily accumulate 50 pickpocketed victims and earn this achievement in no time whatsoever.
- You Snooze, You Lose
Pickpocket a guard affected by a blowdart
First things first, you’ll need to unlock the blowdart first, which you can do either:
- During the “Branching Out” main quest - as a freebie
- Or using skill points and spending them on the Extra Tool Capacity skills (in the Trickster skill tree), and then visiting one of the brothers at the Hidden Ones Bureau to unlock it
The next thing you need to do is find a guard with something to pickpocket, which doesn’t happen all too often. When it does happen regularly though, is when you’re in an enemy encampment and you need a key to open a door or a chest.
The perfect contract for this is ‘The State Official’ contract, as you’ll need a key from the guard to free the prisoners (which is the optional objective). However, you may need an upgrade to make this work, namely the “Cloud Impact” tier 2 skill for the blowdart, which “applies the Blowdart’s current effect as an area of effect.”
Now, the reason this is important, is because the guard with the key will be armoured, meaning he’s immune to the dart itself. However, if you shoot at his feet, he’ll feel the effects of the blowdart’s cloud effect and fall asleep.
Once he’s down, nip in, pickpocket the key with and then boom, this achievement will be all yours.
- Hoarder
Save up 2007 dirhams
Saving up dirhams isn't that hard, in truth, because honestly, there's not really a lot of things to spend them on. Nothing that you'll actually need anyway. The hardest bit, I guess, is actually getting them, as they only come in dribs and drabs. The quickest way to amass a load of Dirhams though is to pickpocket people, which you need to do for The Hands of a Thief (30G)anyway.
This doesn't net you a lot of Dirhams, per se, but you will stockpile a load of trinkets as a result, which you can sell at any of the traders dotted around Baghdad. If you're doing that, as well as looting chests and pots as you go around, you'll get to 2007 with relative ease.
Why 2007? Well, because that's a nod to when the first Assassin's Creed game came out.
- Dawn and Dusk
Use benches to pass time 5 times
It doesn’t get any more simple than this one: find a bench (there’s hundreds of them all over Baghdad - just use Eagle Vision and you’ll see them through walls), hit to “Blend In” and then hold to “Pass Time.”
Do this five times and you’ll unlock this achievement. And yes, you can do it five times in a row and unlock this one super early. You don’t even need to get up in-between each passing of time either. So easy.
- Patron of the Arts
Pay musicians 5 times
In the game there are two currencies: Dirhams and Khidmah Tokens. While the former is the currency of Baghdad, the latter is actually the currency of the city’s three factions: Rebels, Scholars and Merchants.
Rebels accept Power Tokens; Scholars accept Scholar Tokens; and Merchants accept Merchant tokens. These Tokens can be earned either by doing Contracts around Baghdad, or by pickpocketing people out on the streets, and then they can be spent on services around the city.
One of those such services are provided by “musicians,” who can distract guards for you in exchange for a Scholar Token. They are indicated by a musical note icon on the map and can be found all over the city, usually outside a large notable area (see below for a full list of where to find them).
To unlock this achievement, you simply need to pay the musicians for their services - so, five times, using five separate Scholar Tokens. Do that, and you’ll unlock this achievement.
Here’s where you’ll find some musicians:
Musician Locations:
- West of the Damascus gate in Harbiyah
- Southeast of the Observatory in southern Abbasiyah
- East and west of the Hammam in Abbasiyah
- South of the Tax Collector’s Mansion in western Karkh
- West of the Monastery of the Virgins in southern Karkh
- Patron of Sell-Swords
Pay mercenaries 5 times
As we laid down in Patron of the Arts (20G), Baghdad has more than one currency. Outside of the traditional Dirhams, you can earn and spend Kmidah Tokens, which you get by pickpocketing locals or completing Mirage’s Contracts.
These tokens come in three forms: Power Tokens; Scholar Tokens; and Merchant tokens, and can be spent with the three factions in the city (Scholars, Rebels and Merchants).
- Seen in central Karkh (west of Cookmen’s Quarter)
- Been seen at the northeast corner of the Bazaar, also southwest of the Bazaar
- Seen near the Tax Collector’s Mansion in southwest Karkh
- Also seen northeast and northwest of the Karkh Hidden Ones Bureau
- Patron of Industry
Pay merchant groups 5 times
As we explained in Patron of the Arts (20G), Mirage has two currencies: traditional Dirhams and Kmidah Tokens, the latter of which are earned by completing Mirage’s Contracts (and optional objectives) and pickpocketing the locals.
There are three kinds of Kmidah Tokens: Power, Scholar and Merchant, which are then spent with the applicable factions in the city.
Merchant Tokens, which can not only be used to get shop discounts, can also be used to hire merchants too. And by “hire” merchants, I mean you can pay them to walk around so you can blend in with them, meaning you can just waltz in the front door of some enemy encampments.
To unlock this achievement, you’ll need to employ merchant groups five times - using five Merchant Tokens (one for each). Merchants can be identified on the map with a small icon with two silhouettes, one clearly blurred out at the back, to indicate you can blend in with them. Do that five times and this achievement is all yours.
Here’s where you’ll find some merchant groups:
Merchant Group Locations:
- South of the Prince’s Palace in northeast Harbiyah
- West of the Damascus gate in Harbiyah
- The east gate of the Caravanserai in the Wilderness (west of Baghdad and south of Anbar)
- Northeast Jarjaraya in the Wilderness (east of Baghdad, on the coast)
- Blade in the Crowd
Assassinate 10 guards while blending with the crowd
Assassinating guards while blending with a crowd is a trademark and old-skool Assassin’s Creed move that used to be a major mechanic in the games in the early iterations of the franchise. Well, folks, it’s back with a vengeance in this one!
Now, there are two ways to approach this achievement:
- You can stand with locals and then wait for a guard to walk by and then stab him
- Or, you can employ a ‘merchant group’ and have them walk you into encampments, past guards - and thus, stabbing them. Doing this will cost you Merchant Tokens, sure, but you’ll also be working towards the Patron of Industry (20G)achievement too
Whichever way you choose, just blend with a group (as indicated when Basim is covered in a white outline - this only works with three people in close proximity to one another) and kill guards 10 times. You will have to disengage and re-blend after every kill, but this is not too taxing an achievement to unlock.
- Surprise!
Assassinate 10 guards from hiding spots
As has always been the case in Assassin’s Creed games, killing from hiding spots are part and parcel of the experience - more so in Mirage, as it’s more about stealth and isolation, than it is straight up combat.
Simply get 10 kills from hiding spots and this achievement is all yours. Those hiding spots can be carts/bales of hay, curtained storage cupboards, or whatever you can hide in, really. Super simple, this one.
- Notorious
Stay at maximum notoriety for 10 minutes
This one requires getting in loads of trouble to max out your notoriety gauge, then steering clear of the Shakiriyya who will be sent to hunt you down for being a naughty assassin. The trick here is to not die, and to do that, the best course of action is to keep moving and avoid any unwanted attention. Sticking to the rooftops is a great strategy, although watch out for the archers that are posted up there because of your increased notoriety.
Once you’re at maximum notoriety, it might be a good idea to summon your mount and ride out into the Wilderness (or just hide somewhere), where you’re less likely to run into trouble. Survive for ten minutes, and this will unlock. Just be sure not to kill the Shakiriyya (the masked enemy with twin daggers), as this will reset your notoriety level.
- Poster Boy
At maximum notoriety, become anonymous by tearing down wanted posters
Back in Assassin’s Creed after an incredible amount of years is the “Notoriety” system. That means that whenever you do something dodgy in full view of someone - like stabbing a guard while a local citizen looks on - you’ll start to fill your bar in the bottom right-hand corner.
There are three levels to the notoriety system:
- Level 1 - “Civilians might recognize Basim and call the guards to their location. Wanted Posters appear on some walls around Baghdad”
- Level 2 - “Guards have increased perception and are more likely to detect you. Archers start patrolling the rooftops. Civilians are more likely to report you to the authorities. More Wanted Posters appear, which can attract passersby”
- Level 3 - “Maximum Notoriety. The elite Shakiriyya guard is unleashed on your trail. Guards are very likely to detect Basim. Civilians gather around posters and there is a high chance for them to recognize you and call the guards”
So, first things first, you need to get to level 3. So, fail pickpockets, kill guards in front of witnesses, and generally just be a nuisance. When you reach level 3 (as indicated in the bottom right corner), look out for Wanted Posters on your map and compass (they’ll appear as small poster icons) and get your Notoriety from level 3 to 0 by grabbing three separate posters.
Once you’ve done that, this achievement will unlock.
- Spread the News
Use the services of a Munadi 3 times
As we’ve mentioned in numerous achievements, there are two main currencies: Dirhams and Kmidah Tokens. The latter are specific faction currencies that you can earn by pickpocketing locals or completing Mirage’s Contracts.
While you can use Dirhams to buy resources, costumes, etc., Kmidah Tokens are used to employ the three factions: Scholar Tokens can employ Scholars; Power Tokens can employ Rebels; and Merchant Tokens can get discounts and employ Merchants.
While you can use Power Tokens to hire mercenaries (like in Patron of Sell-Swords (20G)) to watch your back, you can also use them to hire Munadis. Munadis, as indicated by the torn wanted poster icon on the map, will wipe your current notoriety level for a solitary Power Token.
To unlock this achievement then, just get some notoriety, and use a Munadi three different times.
Here’s where you’ll find some Munadis:
Munadi Locations:
- South of the Nestorian Monastery in northern Harbiyah
- North and west of the Hidden Ones Bureau in Harbiyah
- North of the Abbasiyah Bureau
- East of the Bazaar entrance in Karkh
- Southwest in the Round City, in the Residential District
- Eagle's Will
Survive 10 minutes in open conflict
Now, this achievement might sound a bit daunting, but honestly, it absolutely isn’t. This doesn’t mean that you need to fight for 10 minutes straight, and parry, dodge and block, without killing anyone, because that would end open conflict. Oh no, you can essentially just run around in circles for 10 minutes. It doesn’t matter. As long as the marker at the top of the screen is a solid red exclamation mark, and doesn’t change to yellow, you’re classed as being in open combat.
So, wander into an enemy encampment, and just bait them, and bait them, and always stay visible to them, even if you’re just running around in circles for 10 minutes. Do that, and you’ll unlock this achievement without breaking a sweat.
- Gifted Escapist
Collapse 20 scaffolding structures
I’ll be honest, I got to the end of the game and I’d not collapsed one scaffolding structure. I mean, I saw them, I just didn’t see a use for them. Now, you’re going to be in one of two camps if you’re reading this:
- Camp 1: You’re just starting out and seeing what the list is like. If that’s you, when you see a scaffolding structure while playing the game, pull it down - just watch out for civilian casualties, as the game can desync you if you kill too many. This means that you’ll likely get this as you go
- Camp 2: You’ve finished the game and are now looking for a shortcut to get 20 as quick as possible, as you too didn’t take any down (like us) during the campaign
The strategy for the latter, rather than run the streets looking for them is:
- Fast-travel to the Viewpoint to the west of the Prince’s Palace in north-east Harbiyah, and there’s one just to the south of the viewpoint. Pull it down
- Fast-travel to the Viewpoint in the north-northwest in Round City, and there’s one to the west of the Viewpoint. Pull it down
- Rinse and repeat, because they respawn when you use fast-travel
Do that 10 times, take down 20, and this achievement will be all yours.
- A True Hidden One
Assassinate 10 guards in a row without triggering open conflict
To get this achievement, you basically need to become a stealth machine - which to be completely honest, is how the game should be played, as open combat is tough now.
The best way to approach this achievement is to find an encampment and systematically pick off soldiers dotted around the encampment. We managed this very early on at the Khurasan Gate Guardhouse, where you go for the main mission, “Follow Nur’s Lead.”
In this particular encampment, all the soldiers are split up and easy to take out on their own. If you start up top near the dome, there’s two guards there - one of them is an archer too, allowing you to then use Enkidu to tag as many enemies as possible.
From there, work your way down to the left, there’ll be one guard who doesn’t move, and one who goes back and forth between the aforementioned guard and the tower by the main entrance. When he’s at the tower, take out the stationary guard, and then go and sneak up on the other guard in the tower.
From there, climb up and assassinate the other guard who is patrolling the ramparts. That takes your count to five. There’ll be two guards just down from you (on top of separate buildings). One of those will be stood by a bale of hay. Drop into the bale of hay and whistle him over. Take him out. Then climb back up and get behind the other one. Assassinate him.
From there, work your way back around to the actual objective at this point (which is to eavesdrop on 2 guards, which you have to do from a hay bale nearby). When the conversation is over, one of the guards will come to you. Pull him into the bale of hay. And then, from there, sneak up on the other guard who will have their back to you. This takes your tally to 9.
And finally, there’s a ton of guards down the bottom. Pick one to air assassinate and that’s your 10, and that’s this achievement unlocked.
- Street Cleaner
Hide 5 bodies in bales of hay
This is somewhat linked to Surprise! (10G), in that you can work on both at the same time - if you’re assassinating guards from a bale of hay, that is. However, you don’t actually have to kill them from the hay for this - although those kills and body hiding instances do count - you can actually pick up dead bodies and throw them in the hay too. Do this five times and this achievement will unlock.
- The Master Thief of Anbar
Complete the Prologue
Story-related, cannot miss.
The first mission is a quest called “The Master Thief of Anbar.” In it, you’ll meet Nehal and Roshan, and attempt to steal a much-sought after item from the Winter Palace. During the infiltration things will escalate (naturally), and you’ll unlock this achievement when the prologue mission ends, and you make it to the docks.
- La shay'a waqi'un mutlaq
Become an Initiate of the Hidden Ones
Story-related, cannot miss.
You’ll need to complete two main story quests to complete this achievement:
- A New Beginning
- Taking Flight
These two missions revolve entirely around Basim and his training. At the end of “Taking Flight,” you’ll become an Initiate and set off for Baghdad.
- The Blood of a Ghoul
Eliminate Al-Ghul
Story-related, cannot miss.
Al-Ghul will be your first major target to takedown in the game - he’s essentially the first member of the Order that you uncover. He’ll be milling about in the Caravanserai (south of Anbar, in the Wilderness) and the mission will be called “First Order.”
“First Order” will become available after you’ve completed the first batch of main missions after becoming a member of the Hidden Ones (La shay'a waqi'un mutlaq (30G)). Those missions are as follows:
- Follow Nur’s Lead (Ali ibn Muhammad)
- Contact the Rebels (Ali ibn Muhammad)
- Zeroing In (Ali ibn Muhammad)
- Jailbreak (Ali ibn Muhammad)
- A Delicate Alliance (Ali ibn Muhammad)
- First Order (Al-Ghul)
Kill Al-Ghul and this achievement will be all yours.
- The Blood of a Demon
Eliminate Al-Rabisu
Story-related, cannot miss.
Al-Rabisu is another Order member you need to take down. This time, you can choose when to approach this member when the game opens up to you - there’ll be three different Hidden One Bureaus that each lead to an Order member after you’ve taken down Al-Ghul. Al-Rabisu is the next logical one, however.
Your target, Al-Rabisu, is the subject of a series of investigations and missions in Abbasiyah, which start from the Hidden Ones Bureau in Abbasiyah itself. After completing the below missions, you’ll be able to take on the main mission, “The Great Symposium.”
- Fire and Wisdom (The Hidden Ones - Abbasiyah Bureau)
- House of Wisdom (Ahmad ibn Musa - Abbasiyah Bureau)
- Find the Missing Brother (Ahmad ibn Musa - Abbasiyah Bureau)
- Follow the Fiery Trail (The Book Burner)
- Report to Rafiq (The Hidden Ones - Abbasiyah Bureau)
“The Great Symposium” has you heading to the House of Wisdom in western Abbasiyah to infiltrate and take out the Order member known as Al-Rabisu. It requires you confirming that person’s involvement, getting into the basement and putting an end to his nefarious ways. Kill Al-Rabisu and ‘The Blood of a Demon’ achievement is all yours.
Note: “The Great Symposium” is the main quest where you’ll need to grab your first disguise for the Masquerader (10G)achievement.
- The Blood of an Enchantress
Eliminate Al-Pairika
Story-related, cannot miss.
In order to unlock this achievement, you need to take down the third member of the Order, who resides in Karkh: Al-Pairika.
In order to start this story thread, you need to report to the Karkh Hidden Ones Bureau and talk to Rebekah. This will start the main story mission, “Coins and Daggers” and set you on a path to taking down the Treasurer, in the main quest “Gilded Butterflies.”
The main story missions you need to complete to unlock this achievement are:
- Coins and Daggers (The Hidden Ones - Karkh Bureau)
- Of Toil and Taxes (Al-Anqa - Karkh Bureau)
- The Toll of Greed (Al-Anqa - Karkh Bureau)
- Coin, Corruption, and Tea (The Harbourmaster - Karkh Bureau)
- A Faceless Feather (The Hidden Ones - Karkh Bureau
- Gilded Butterflies (The Treasurer)
Eliminate Al-Pairika in the Bazaar in Karkh and this achievement is yours.
- The Blood of a Spymaster
Eliminate Al-Mardikhwar
Story-related, cannot miss.
The fourth member of the Order that you’ll need to take down as part of the story is Al-Mardikhwar, who is the Order’s spymaster.
In order to start this thread, you’ll need to head to the Hidden Ones’ Sharqiyah Bureau, which is in the northeast corner of Baghdad. Sharqiyah is the northernmost district in Karkh. Head there, speak to Fuladh, and start the first Sharqiyah Bureau mission, “Blood and Shadows,” to start on your journey to eliminating Al-Mardikhwar.
- The Head of the Snake
Eliminate the Head of the Order
Story-related, cannot miss.
That’s it, you’ve taken down the four Order minions (Al-Ghul, Al-Rabisu, Al-Pairika and Al-Mardikhwar), and once you have, you’ll now be able to make your way to the finish line, and take down the head of the order - or as the achievement calls him, ‘The Head of the Snake.’
Kill this mysterious person and fulfil the ambitions of the Hidden Ones. Congrats, you are now a true assassin.
- Bal kullun mumkin
Discover Basim's past
Story-related, cannot miss.
After you've taken down the head of the Order, there is an epilogue of sorts before the final credits roll. Completing this relatively brief section will wrap up Basim’s story, and you’ll unlock this final story achievement for your efforts. Congratulations! You just completed Assassin’s Creed Mirage!
- Curio Collector
Pickpocket all 18 artifacts and bring them to Dervis
During one of the early quests in the game, “Follow Nur’s Lead,” you’ll bump into your old friend, Dervis. Turns out he was the trader that was mentioned through the grapevine. Once you’ve met him he’ll promise you new dyes for your outfits, but only if you can locate a number of Artifacts for him, so he can use them to fund the rebellion. And by locate, we mean pickpocket.
There are 18 to pilfer in all, which Dervis will reward you with a dye when you return a certain amount to him. The first dye will set you back three Artifacts, for the second he’ll want six, and for the third he’ll want 9. Once you’ve pickpocketed them and returned them to Dervis, this achievement will unlock.
You’ll find them in the following regions:
- Wilderness - 3 Dervis’ Artifacts
- Harbiyah - 4 Dervis’ Artifacts
- Abbasiyah - 4 Dervis’ Artifacts
- Karkh - 4 Dervis’ Artifacts
- Round City - 3 Dervis’ Artifacts
Check out our Assassin’s Creed Mirage all Dervis' Artifacts locations guide if you need more assistance.
- The Shadow and the Flame
Defeat a Shakiriyya in combat
Assassin's Creed Mirage has a notoriety gauge (the red meter at the bottom right of the screen), which can be reduced by tearing down posters or paying off preachers giving speeches in the streets. Commit enough crimes in plain sight, however (murdering guards or civilians, being caught pickpocketing etc.), and manage to max out your notoriety, and you’ll have a Shakiriyya sent after you.
You’ll recognise a Shakiriyya by their mask and twin daggers, as well as their speed and agility. Keeping your wits about you and parrying attacks is the only real way to get the edge over a Shakiriyya, as is using tools to your advantage too. Bear in mind that you can’t assassinate a Shakiriyya either, so don’t bother trying. Take one down in a fight (preferably one-on-one), and you’ll unlock this achievement, and completely clear your notoriety in the process.
Fun tip: if you fight him near a set of mercenaries, who you’ve hired, they’ll not only attract the attention of the Shakiriyya, but they’ll do decent damage too!
- Silencer
Destroy a Horn Bearer's horn with a throwing knife
Horn Bearers are perhaps one of the more annoying enemies. Not only are they armoured elite enemies with a two-handed mace, but they also carry a horn on their belts to alert everyone else if they spot you. So, actually being able to take out that horn before they even have a chance to use it is actually pretty damn cool.
First things first, to get this achievement, you need to find a Horn Bearer. Don’t worry, they’re all over the place, mainly in enemy encampments. You can identify them and tag them using Enkidu - they’ll have a horn icon over their character when they’re tagged.
If you’re struggling, though, try the Damascus Gate Prison in eastern Harbiyah - near the Iron Gate that leads out the city - this is where we unlocked this.
The next step is getting close to them. The one in the Damascus Gate Prison is up top in the middle, meaning you can snipe his horn from another roof, or get behind him, ready for a precision throw. When you’re in range - perhaps give it a save, just in case you screw it up - aim for the horn on his belt (left-hand side) and then throw a knife at it. Just remember that knives have ‘bullet drop,’ so you’ll need to take that into account when throwing them.
Once you smash it, not only will they no longer be able to alert the encampment of your presence, but you’ll also have unlocked this achievement for your troubles too. Nice!
- Unstoppable
Kill 5 guards with one use of Assassin's Focus
Assassin’s Focus is a new mechanic in the Assassin’s Creed franchise - as far as we remember, anyway. It’s basically Mark and Execute from Splinter Cell, but with more daggers and robes.
You’ll unlock Assassin’s Focus at the end of the first main assassination mission, “First Order,” where you’ll have to enter the Caravanserai to take down Al-Ghul. At the end of the mission, this ability is all yours.
You fill your Assassin’s Focus meter with stealth kills, and then use it by holding down the right thumbstick out of combat. In order to kill five guards in one usage, you’ll need to unlock a few skills first:
- Assassin’s Focus 1 - which costs 2 Skill Points
- Assassin’s Focus 2 - which costs 3 Skill Points
Both can be found in the Phantom skill tree, and once you’ve unlocked both, you’ll take your segments from 2 to a whopping 5.
The next challenge is finding five guards fairly close together. There’s loads of places to do this, but we managed this with relative ease at the Harbor Camp in northern Karkh, on the coastline.
On the left-hand side of the encampment is a guard post with two guards on the gate. When we went there for the main quest “Coin, Corruption and Tea” there was also a patrolling group of three guards in the grounds too - eventually they patrol mere metres away from the two guards on the side entrance. What we did was, we stood on the wall, made sure all were in line of sight of all of them, held down the right thumbstick, selected all five targets (you obviously need a full meter to do this) and then BANG! All five dead, and this achievement unlocked.
Other Assassin's Creed Mirage Game Guides
- Assassin’s Creed Mirage - All Wilderness collectibles locations guide
- Assassin’s Creed Mirage - All Harbiyah collectibles locations guide
- Assassin’s Creed Mirage - All Abbasiyah collectibles locations guide
- Assassin’s Creed Mirage - All Karkh collectibles locations guide
- Assassin’s Creed Mirage - All Round City collectibles locations guide
- Assassin’s Creed Mirage - All Dervis' Artifacts locations
- Assassin’s Creed Mirage - All Lost Books locations
- Assassin’s Creed Mirage - All Swords and Daggers, and where to find them
- Assassin’s Creed Mirage - All Weapon and Outfit Upgrade Schematics and where to find them
- Assassin’s Creed Mirage - All Outfits and Costumes and where to find them
- Assassin’s Creed Mirage - How to lure out Al-Ghul in 'First Order'
- Assassin’s Creed Mirage - How to unlock the Four Markets Gear Chest
- Assassin’s Creed Mirage - Where are the 'Aqarquf Dunes' and the hidden place in 'The Calling'?
- Assassin's Creed Mirage - Where is the Excavation Site in 'Find the Missing Brother'?
- Assassin's Creed Mirage - Where is the Confiscation Warehouse in 'Coin, Corruption and Tea'?
- Assassin's Creed Mirage - How to follow the mouse in 'The Fox and the Hunter'
Assassin's Creed Mirage Achievement GUIDE FAQ
- What is the estimated achievement difficulty for Assassin's Creed Mirage?
The estimated achievement difficulty for Assassin's Creed Mirage is 3/10. - How many offline achievements are there in Assassin's Creed Mirage?
There are 50 offline achievements in Assassin's Creed Mirage. - How many online achievements are there in Assassin's Creed Mirage?
There are 0 online achievements in Assassin's Creed Mirage. - How long does it take to get 100% in Assassin's Creed Mirage?
The estimated time to get 100% in Assassin's Creed Mirage is 25-35 hours. - How many playthroughs is needed to get 100% in Assassin's Creed Mirage?
1. - How many missable achievements are there in Assassin's Creed Mirage?
There are 1: Masquerader missable achievements in Assassin's Creed Mirage. - Does difficulty affect achievements in Assassin's Creed Mirage?
Difficulty does not affect achievements in Assassin's Creed Mirage. - Are there any unobtainable/glitched achievements in Assassin's Creed Mirage?
There are no unobtainable/glitched achievements in Assassin's Creed Mirage.